Saturday 30 July 2011

Blogging and Me :)

I'm starting to feel pretty confident with the whole blogging concept. I'm even contemplating starting another one! I wasn't really 100% sure what the purpose of a blog was, but now I understand that it can be or do whatever you want it to.
This blog is solely for reflections about my e-learning course at uni. I have a friend who's a chef and he has a blog that is semi-educational with recipes, cooking tips, restaurant reviews and he even runs competitions sometimes. Some people use blogs as a dairy and some people us them as a travel journal to update friends and family on their travel adventure and share photos and videos with them. The possibilities are endless really.
In schools I can see how a teacher would be able to incorporate blogs into their teaching. They could get each student to create their own blogs, and the teacher and other students would all follow each other and comment. The teacher could set a homework assignment each day to get the children to post a reflection about their homework for that night. This could be a way for students to seek help from the teacher and for other students to help and teach students that need help. This is the link to my friends blog. He'll be pretty stoked if I get him some followers! Check it's an interesting read!

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