Wednesday 17 August 2011

The 4th Tool....

The 4th digital technology we learnt about are 'Other Tools'. This is a pretty broad title, but basically everything else falls under this category. In class we played with Bee bots,talking points and web cams. These are all used to help engage kids in their learning. The bee bots were extremely fun. I would use these in the class room, especially the more advanced one that looked like a racing car. You could not only make it go front,back, left and right but you could program what angle you wanted it to turn. It also had a spot for a pen so it can draw while it's moving. This would have be perfect for me when I was in school learning the different angled triangles and stuff like that. Not only does this tool assist the learning but it also makes something as boring and hard as maths really fun and interesting. I know I learn better when I enjoy what is being taught and this bee bot is the perfect way to make learning fun. 

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