Monday 8 August 2011

New Laptop, New Things to play with!

As I said in my earlier post, I have just gotten a new lap top and it is amazing. I was finding e-learning very frustrating because of my old lap top and it's capabilities. My new lap is fantastic though. It came with the snipping tool thats talkd about so much in e-learning. It also came with powerpoint and movie maker, which my old lap top didn't have either. I haven't had a chance to play with those tools yet....but stayed tuned because I'm looking forward to making powerpoints and my demonstrative movie too!!!
I have been playing with a programme that came on my lap top called Cyberlink you cam. It's the webcam on the lap top, except I can do all sorts of fun things like change my backround, make myself wear silly hats and mask and I can also have an avatar. I'm still trying to work out the kinks with the avatars. The mouth movements don't quite match up. But it's so much fun. I'm trying to see if  I can put my avatar onto my blog. There is a link to add it to youtube and facebook, so surely I think I'll be able to add it into my blog somehow. Oh and you'll have to excuse my voice, I seem to have come down with the plague or something similar and my voice seems to be coming and going. Ok so I managed to upload it to Youtube and I've added the link here for you to click on and view.
I'm really enjoying playing with the multimedia tools, I wish this kind of stuff existed when I was in school. I would've been much more interested in class! I think the avatar's are a great way to get children engaged in different subjects. Since you can use different types of avatars (animals, historical monuments, aliens etc) it you could use them to introduce new topics to the children, or even get them to make an avatar and use it for a classroom presentation. Making learning fun is important to keep kids focused on the topic.

I've also created a voki which I've added to the side bar of my blog.

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