Wednesday 17 August 2011

Presentation Tools

Presentation tools are anything you would you to present information to people. I have explored prezzie and PowerPoint. I had only used PowerPoint once before in about year 4. Each person in my class got to spend time in the library with the IT teacher and learn how to make a PowerPoint presentation. Unfortunately since I went to such a large school there was not enough time to get a full understanding of what exactly was happening. I can just remember being told I had to go to the library and sitting next to this man at the computer and picking fonts and different word animations. No explanation as to why we were using PowerPoint or what it could be used for was given. I hadn't touched PowerPoint since then. I suppose having a negative experience with something can really put you off and that's why I never really had an interest for using PowerPoint until E-Learning. I still found PowerPoint a bit tricky to use. So I'm not so sure about how it would go with young children,But then again I've seen prep students navigate a computer better then I can so you never know! It would be best suited to higher primary school levels and high school students and upwards I think.  Prezzie was another thing I couldn't navigate around, but I'm having the same problem with that as I had with wordle. My computer is blocking it for some reason. I am going to give it another go on a different computer though and hopefully I'll be able to work it out easily. I have created a PowerPoint presentation about presentation tools which I have added into this blog.

OK for some reason this is how the PowerPoint added itself to my blog. I don't know enough about this to fix it, so it'll have to do for now!!!

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